美国农业部对2011年技术和财政援助的独立评估结果指导了这项积极的研究. 社会弱势农民和牧场主政策研究中心进行文献综述, 报告和其他国家报告中概述的主题重点是什么, regarding agriculture and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. 文献综述调查了过去五年的学术期刊和文章. 这项研究包括调查和与不同利益相关者的焦点小组讨论. 使用美国农业部2011年民权执行摘要作为开场研究, 社会弱势农民和牧场主政策研究中心进行研究,记录各组织对执行摘要的反应,并对政策进行额外的研究, 情况下, 以及旨在解决社会弱势农民和牧场主关切问题的行动

研究 Priorities

四个优先领域的研究小组正处于不同阶段. The priority areas are as follows:


  • Identify implications for policy to support farm management for SDFRs.
  • Conceptualize agriculture policy changes for SDFRs.
  • 按标题检查2014年农业法案对sdfr的影响.
  • Explore implications of the Agriculture Act of 2014 on SDFRs. 2014年农业法案(2014年农业法案)标题的明确识别, what the Titles cover, 以及sdfr如何利用与其各自的农业和/或牧场企业相关的所有头衔.The key assumption or hypothesis is, if SDFRs understand the major Titles of the law at an elementary level, 这样,他们就更有可能也更有能力利用这些项目提供的机会和好处.这些研究成果将成为未来农业立法建设的投入.

2: Improve participation rates of SDFRs in USDA programs and services.

  • Examine SDFRs in USDA programs and services.
  • 衡量sdfr在美国农业部项目和服务中的参与率(包括风险管理和作物保险).
  • 确定导致sdfr在美国农业部项目和服务中参与率低的因素. d) Identify barriers, which significantly impact SDFRs participation in USDA programs, such as GHP/GAP certification.
  • 确定支持sdfr获得美国农业部项目和服务的因素. f)评估sdfr(对农业收入的理解)之间的相关性, 信贷, 市场营销, and trade and participation in USDA programs and services; access to technology and participation in USDA programs and services; participation in USDA programs and services and diversity of county offices; awareness of farm programs and risk management and participation in USDA programs and services).
3: Enable SDFRS to stay in farming and preserve their lands.
  • Identify strategies to reduce significant land loss among SDFRs.
  • 将sdfr中的土地流失模式与2014年的《pg电子游戏试玩》联系起来.
  • 评估农场的可持续性,以确保sdfr的环境健康和经济盈利能力.
  • Identify factors that contribute to a decline of SDFRs.
  • Identify relevant issues with heir property and implications for SDFRs.
4: Expand access of SDFRs to technology adoption.
  • 评估sdfr获得技术与参与美国农业部项目和服务之间的相关性.
  • 确定有助于sdfr使用技术和宽带发展的因素.
  • Evaluate the impact of technology on SDFRs.

Titles of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (2014 Farm Bill)

研究, 教育, 和建议涉及对2014年农业法案(2014年农业法案)标题的精确识别。, what the Titles cover, 以及处于社会弱势地位的农民和牧场主如何利用与他们自己的农业和/或牧场企业有关的所有头衔. The fundamental assumption or hypothesis is, 如果处于社会弱势地位的农民和牧场主对法律的主要标题有基本的了解, 这样,他们就更有可能也更有能力利用这些项目提供的机会和好处. 本文的研究成果为未来农业立法的构建提供了参考.

研究 Topics

研究 topics include, but are not limited to: farm income, 信贷, 市场营销, and trade;farm programs and risk management;land loss, land retention, and farmland protection; land conservation and improvements; catch-up policies and programs to compensate for past discrimination; the agriculture census;impact, use and availability of technology including broadband; USDA intramural and extramural research priorities;concentration in the agricultural sector; alternative agriculture; organic agriculture; access to USDA programs and services; forest land management; livestock management; farm safety issues; and 教育 and outreach.

研究 Activities

研究 activities that the Policy 研究 Center engages in are the following: analyzing current agricultural policy and its implications on socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers; collecting data and information on the history of the 教育 of socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers and evaluating the result of past 教育al efforts in the South and the ability to meet the 教育al needs of socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers today; collecting data on how socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers receive agricultural information; determining how many socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers have trained on the use of information technology equipment and providing recommendations; collecting data on the reasons for the decline of socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers owned farms, ranches and land holdings; and analyzing the data gathered from all sources and developing policy.

Funding Opportunities

Request For Proposals-Heirs Property

For more information about the Socially Disadvantaged Farmers
and Ranchers Policy 研究 Center, contact:

Eloris Speight
Policy Center Director

[email protected]

Office Location Biotechnology Building
2rd floor Lorman Campus

 (601) 877-6601
[email protected]

Mailing Address:
1000 ASU Drive, #449
Lorman, MS 39096-7500